Dog Food

Homemade Oatmeal Sesame Cookie for Dog

Oatmeal can be a great source of nutrition for dogs. Made with only three ingredients, rolled oats, sesame seeds and egg, these dog treats are simple to make. Adding sugar, they will be snack for you!

Oatmeal sweet sake “Amazake”

Amazake or sweet sake is a creamy and sweetened traditional Japanese drink made of fermented rice. Non-alcholic amazake is made from rice koji, rice malt. Koji is a type of mold that is made from steamed grains. So, why don't you use ferment oatmeal to make amazake?

Oatmeal Cinnamon Ice Cream

This creamy Oatmeal Cinnamon Ice Cream is made with just 4 healthy ingredients, thickened with oatmeal and plant-based milk (soy milk, almond milk, etc), brawn sugar and cinnamon. Just mix it up in a zipper bag, and then put it in the freezer. It is a super easy recipe.

Homemade Oatmeal Date Cereal Bars

Made with rolled oats and chewy dates, this easy recipe requires no equipment or baking and take minutes to prepare. These cereal bars are perfect for a quick and healthy snack or breakfast on the go. It is naturally sweetened without sugar, only dates. They hold their shape well making them perfect for mountain climbing and traveling!

Salad with Steel cut oats “Taboulé”

Tabbouleh is a Mediterranean salad. Taboulé, a familiar salad in France, is similar to North African recipes using durum wheat semolina (couscous grain) with tomatoes, lemon juice, olive oil, raisins and fresh mint leaves. Instead of couscous grain, I use steel cut oats.
Asian Foods

Oatmeal Korean Pancake “Chijimi”

Chijimi is one of the most popular dishes in Korea. I added oatmeal to this Korean type savoury pancake with garlic chives. The texture of crispy on the outside and chunky on the inside are enjoyable. This is a super easy recipe that only takes 30 minutes!

Oatmeal Cream Based Clam Chowder

Oatmeal can be used to replace part or all of the wheat flour in your recipes. One easy way to do this is to substitute oats for making white sauce. A delicious cream based chowder, this recipe calls for the standard chowder ingredients: onion, potatoes, bacon, clams, and milk.
World Cuisine

Vegetarian Mussaka with Oatmeal

This vegetarian moussaka isn't exactly the classic Greek moussaka recipe. Instead of a béchamel sauce, it is made with oatmeal and soy milk, and instead of meat, steel cut oats are used.
Japanese Cuisine

Oatmeal Agar Jelly like “Tofu”

This is like tofu, made by hardening oatmeal with agar. Try to add carrot or spinach to Oatmeal tofu. Both oatmeal and agar are rich in dietary fiber whicn helps maintain bowel health and improve immune function. In addition, the protein in oats has a good amino acid balance.
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